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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Side Effects

Remeron is an antidepressant medication which is also commonly known as mirtazapine. In addition to treating depression it has been found to be effective in treating anxiety, insomnia, and a wide variety of other mental disorders. Its main effects are due to its actions upon serotonin and noradrenalin within the brain. Both of these nuerotransmitters have been found to be responsible for causing depression when their concentrations are too low. Its effects upon serotonin and noradrenalin put it into the class of drugs known as noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants (NaSSA). Though it has been helpful in treating a large amount of patients it does pose some side effects those taking or considering taking mirtazapine should be aware of.

Remeron weight gain

One of the more common side effects experienced by those prescribed Remeron (mirtazapine) can be weight gain. Often this side effect may be merely caused by an increased retention of water and is nothing to be worried about. For some mirtazapine produces weight gain through increasing their appetite. It can cause intense cravings of food which leads to overindulgence which causes weight gain. To many who are prescribed Remeron these cravings can be frightening and hard to combat. The best way to deal with food craving while on Remeron is to acknowledge that they are just a side effect of the drug and not actual manifestations of hunger. For those who are unable to control their cravings and put on too much weight too quickly their doctor will most likely switch their medications. Mirtazapine's side effect of producing hunger actually is some times a cause of it being prescribed to individuals who are unable to eat or are experiencing a lack of an appetite.

Most common side effects of Remeron (mirtazapine)

Apart from weight gain the most common side effects of Remeron are mainly related to its ability to cause sedation. It causes sedation because aside from effecting levels of serotonin and noradrenalin within the brain it also effects a receptor known as H1. The way it effects the H1 receptor gives it hypnotic and sedative effects. In certain individuals these may be strong enough to cause dizziness and blurriness of vision even at low doses. For those that experience these side effects using Remeron during the day is not very practical. Remeron also can cause dry mouth and constipation in certain individuals. It is also thought that like other antidepressant drugs Remeron may cause thoughts of suicide in certain patients. For this reason it carries a black box warning.

Remeron and alcohol side effects

It is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol while taking Remeron. Mirtazapine's side effects can be increased when alcohol is drunk in conjunction with taking the medication. The most common side effect experienced when alcohol and mirtazapine are combined is an increase in sedation. This can cause sedation and a loss of consciousness when much lower levels of alcohol are consumed than typical. This can be dangerous in public situations or situations where the patient needs to drive. Heavy drinking while on Remeron may also disrupt the medications actions within the brain causing an increase in anxiety or depression the day after heavy drinking.

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