safety medical

Flexeril Dosage (Cyclobenzaprine 10mg)

Flexeril i.e. cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride is a drug that is used in the treatment of spastic muscle disorders. It works by acting on the muscle and relaxing it and is useful in treatment of numerous clinical conditions. It is prescribed in varying doses depending upon the clinical condition and in this article we shall briefly review the dosage of Flexeril.

Flexeril dosage

The dosage of Flexeril varies between different clinical conditions. Cyclobenzaprine 5 mg and cyclobenzaprine 10 mg are the available preparations that are used. Typically, the medication is prescribed three times a day for a period of 2 to 3 weeks depending on the response.

As Flexeril is primarily used in the treatment of muscle spasm, its effect is best seen over short periods of time. Over longer periods of time, it appears there is no additional benefit and in fact using it can result in more side-effects and possibly over dosage. It is important that all patients taking Flexeril strictly followed their physician’s advice and make a note of any side-effects that they may experience when taking the drug.

Once the prescribed dosage has been administered, clinical response can be determined by looking for a reduction in the symptoms such as pain, muscle stiffness and restricted mobility. Flexeril tends to have these effects fairly quickly and the three-week dosage that is prescribed is usually sufficient.

It must be remembered however that Flexeril is not effective in the treatment of spastic muscle disorders such as cerebral palsy and spinal-cord disease. However, other acute musculoskeletal disorders that are associated with muscle pain tend to respond very well to Flexeril.

Dosage adjustment

The dose of Flexeril needs to be adjusted depending upon the age of the patient and the presence of associated clinical conditions. For example, in elderly patients who require Flexeril, the dose must be started off at a 5 mg dosage which is gradually titrated up any upon the symptoms and the occurrence of any side-effects.

Similarly, in patients with liver disease, Flexeril should be used with caution and started off at a low dose. Furthermore, in patients with liver disease, using additional medication such as naproxen (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) can sometimes cause side-effects such as drowsiness. The available clinical research that has looked at the effects of Flexeril does not address the use of this drug in severe liver disease and it is therefore best avoided in such patients.

Flexeril is a powerful muscle relaxant that using the treatment of numerous musculoskeletal disorders. It is often started at a low dose of 5 mg and titrated up to 10 milligrams three times a day depending on the patient’s response. However, caution must be observed in certain situations.

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